Justice Antonin Scalia wrote the opinion of the court, and Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg wrote the partial dissent. 裁决书由大法官安东尼•斯卡利亚主笔,异议部分由大法官鲁丝•巴德•金斯伯格撰写。
Advisory opinion of the International Court of justice on the legal consequences of the construction of a wall in the occupied Palestinian territory; 国际法院对在被占领巴勒斯坦领土修建隔离墙的法律后果发表的咨询意见;
The opinion of the Court by Justice Brennan begins by reviewing the factors that have shaped prior decisions. 布伦南法官代表法院发表意见,审查促成先前决定的各种因素。
JUSTICE SCALIA delivered the opinion of the Court. 斯卡利亚大法官呈递了法院意见。
Opinion of the majority of the Federal Supreme Judicial Court was that the judgment of the Florida Supreme Court violated relevant provisions including the equal legal protection in the Constitution. 联邦最高法院多数意见认为,佛罗里达州最高法院的判决存在着违反宪法平等法律保护条款问题。
This person can be the Official Receiver or anyone with suitable experience and qualifications in the opinion of the Court. 代名人可由破产管理署署长或一位法庭认为有合适经验和资格执行有关职务的人士担任。
Norwegian public opinion has sided with the human side of the man-versus-machine drama, but the Oslo District Court has come down hard. 挪威舆论在这场人机大战中站在人类的一边,但奥斯陆地方法庭(OsloDistrictCourt)做出了严厉判决。
In the present China, the concept of criminal justice should include the supremacy of the law, respect of public opinion, general justice in company with case justice, the co-existence of independent trial, neutrality and the central position of court trial. 就目前的中国国情来说,现代刑事审判理念的确立应当包括法律至上并尊重民意、客观真实与法律真实并存、普遍正义与个案正义并存和审判独立、中立与庭审中心并存等理念。
Opinion of jurisprudential scholar provide by legal experts through participating in argumentation of cases on invitation of the court. 专家法律意见书是指在已进行的诉讼案件中,法学专家应邀请为法庭裁判案件提供法律适用意见的一项制度。
Drawing criticism is "expensive opinion" and "respect xiang" of confrontation and mutual infiltration, mainly for the conflict and fusion of the theory of literati painting and court painting. 绘画批评则是贵意和尚象的对峙和互渗,主要表现为士人画与宫廷画理论的冲突和融合。
Public opinion supervision as a social force, in a sense to promote a fair judge of the Court. 民意是客观存在的,它作为社会监督不可或缺的力量之一,在一定意义上推动了法院公正裁判的实现。
Among them, some agreed with the opinion of the court, some disagreed, and the more partly support and partly against. 其中,有支持法院裁定的,也有反对的,更有部分支持、部分反对的。